Architecture Projects

Art Gallery: After drawing the painting inspired by Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler by Pablo Picasso., I developed the painting into three-dimensional work to create an artistic space itself. Putting walls on the painting, I created an art gallery in which the whole space itself is also an art piece..

The Dilemma of Tunnel: I expressed the dilemma between Utopia and reality, referring to the circular path as the creation of thoughts that crave what people seek or feel skeptical about. Contrasting with an aspect of the city, the path emphasizes how influential they are inner mind is.

The Priorities of Building: Within the same space, our priorities can be all different. Reflecting on the idea, I created a regular building with a design that respects each individual’s different preferences by putting different designs on each floor.

Agnostic Sanctuary: It is an individual sanctuary not limited to certain religions or groups but open to anyone who wants to meditate to become conscious of oneself or pray to God in their own ways. I put the room surrounded by black walls and a roof to enable the light to come inside the room. Using a prism, the refracted lights would be created inside the room.




Integrity to Charity